Code of Conduct and Business Principles


Wright is an AdvaMed Member and Advocate

The Advanced Medical Technology Association (“AdvaMed”) is dedicated to the advancement of medical science, the improvement of patient care, and in particular to the contribution that high quality, cost-effective health care technology can make toward achieving those goals. In pursuing this mission, AdvaMed members recognize that adherence to ethical standards and compliance with applicable laws are critical to the medical device industry’s ability to continue its collaboration with health care professionals.

Members encourage ethical business practices and socially responsible industry conduct related to their interactions with health care professionals. Members also respect the obligation of health care professionals to make independent decisions regarding Member products.

Consequently, AdvaMed adopted this voluntary Code of Ethics, effective January 1, 2004 and revised and restated with an effective date of July 1, 2009, to facilitate Members’ ethical interactions with those individuals or entities that purchase, lease, recommend, use, arrange for the purchase or lease of, or prescribe Members’ medical technology products in the United States.

Without reservation, Wright strongly endorses both the letter and spirit of the AdvaMed Code of Ethics.


Wright is a Eucomed Member and Advocate

Eucomed is an association representing the interests of European medical technology/device manufacturers. Eucomed believes that high quality, cost-effective medical technologies and related services can make a significant contribution to the safety and well being of patients and the improvement of healthcare systems.

Eucomed’s members recognize that compliance with applicable laws and regulations and adherence to ethical standards are both an obligation and a critical step to the achievement of the aforementioned goals and can enhance the reputation and success of the medical technology/device industry.

Eucomed is a member of MedTech Europe. MedTech Europe is an alliance of European medical technology industry associations established to represent the common policy interests of its members more effectively and efficiently. Members of MedTech Europe have adopted a common Code of Ethical Business Practice.

The Code of Ethical Business Practice is intended to provide guidance as to the minimum standards which should apply to its members’ business practices in Europe and, generally, elsewhere. It is not intended to supplant or supersede national laws or regulations or other professional or other business codes (including company codes) which may apply to its members.

The associations that are members of Eucomed ensure that their respective codes of practice, if any, are compatible.

Without reservation, Wright strongly endorses both the letter and spirit of the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice.


Wright is a MEDEC Member and Advocate

Canada’s Medical Technology Companies (“MEDEC”) is dedicated to advancing healthcare through innovative technologies, devices and diagnostics (“technologies”). MEDEC believes that access to high quality, cost-effective healthcare technology is paramount to the improvement of patient care. MEDEC represents companies that design, develop, manufacture and market medical technologies and related services used in the treatment, mitigation, diagnosis or prevention of a disease or abnormal physical condition.

In pursuing this mission, MEDEC member companies (“Companies”) recognize that adherence to ethical standards and compliance with applicable laws is critical to the Canadian medical technology industry’s ability to continue its collaboration with Healthcare Professionals. Companies encourage ethical business practices and socially responsible industry conduct related to their interactions with Healthcare Professionals. Companies also respect the obligation of Healthcare Professionals to make independent decisions regarding Company products. MEDEC supports and respects the guidelines and policies established by professional societies or organizations that outline the obligations of the profession, while interacting with the Canadian medical technology industry.

Without reservation, Wright strongly endorses both the letter and spirit of the MEDEC Code of Conduct.